Terms of Use & Site Credits

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Terms of Use

This site is owned and operated by the Windbridge Research Center, an Arizona nonprofit corporation.

By accessing this site, you agree to the following terms:

Always check with a healthcare provider when choosing treatment options.

This site is for education and personal/spiritual growth only. It is not to be a substitute for, nor should it ever take the place of, diagnosis or treatment from a professional.

Windbridge Reseasearch Center (WRC) makes a reasonable effort to ensure that the information posted on our site is accurate, however, WRC does not guarantee or warrant that the information on this website is complete, accurate or up to date. WRC assumes no responsibility for the use or application of any posted material.

The information presented on this website and all downloadable or linked material (such as Fact Sheets, videos, etc.) (“Information”) are provided “as-is.” In no respect shall the Windbridge Research Center, or any of its employees, volunteers, or agents, incur any liability for any damages arising out of, resulting from, or any way connected to the use of the Information.

Links provided to external sites are for informational purposes only. The content on these sites is the sole responsibility of their creators and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Windbridge Research Center or its staff. Inclusion on this page should not be considered an endorsement or recommendation.

Your Data
Information submitted to our email list is kept confidential. We will not share your contact information with third parties.

We use MailChimp as our email provider.

Site Credits

The Center does not maintain marketing, media, or editorial departments nor do we put funds aside to hire outside consultants for these tasks. We are simply a small group of scientists and volunteers who focus on conducting research and making our discoveries available to the public. This site was developed in-house and is the result of several weekends of work using free, open source tools. It is constantly being updated and tweaked and should be considered a work in progress.

Design and Development
Primary design and development were completed by Mark Boccuzzi and Julie Beischel with input from volunteers, friends, and colleagues.

Most of the photos were taken by Mark Boccuzzi and Julie Beischel. There is also a fair amount of free clip art.

In addition, we used images from the following:

Copyright: kadirtinte / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: guniita / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: foxaon / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: convisum / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: bradcalkins / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: archman / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: stori / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: arloo / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: marish / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: burakowski / 123RF Stock Photo

We would like to dedicate this site to all our supporters, volunteers, and the granting organizations that make our work possible. The main goal of this site is to get the results of the research that you helped create into the hands of the people who need it. We couldn’t do this without you. Thank you.

In memoriam: Moose
March 6, 2000 to March 2, 2015
We miss you, good girl.

Moose the Dog