The new fact sheet “Disease Burden in Mediums” reviews why we first started studying this aspect of mediumship, the findings from our “HemPhys” study, and the results from a health survey of 125 mediums and 222 non-mediums of similar ages, genders, and races:
More mediums than non-mediums reported:
- water retention or edema (19.2% vs. 5.0%),
- bruising easily (20.0% vs. 9.0%),
- headaches/migraines (26.4% vs. 11.3%),
- asthma (20.0% vs. 9.0%),
- food intolerances (28.0% vs. 9.9%), and
- sleep disturbances (40.8% vs. 14.9%).
We believe that in at least some cases, adverse childhood experiences might result in both an increased capacity for mediumistic perceptions as well as an increased risk of developing physical disease and will be pursuing this line of research in future publications and fact sheets.
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