Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets provide a concise overview of a specific topic related to our research.

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ADCs: Experiences of After-Death Communication

The Four Types of After-Death Communication Experiences (ADCs)

Dream Experiences of After-Death Communication (ADC)


Support for the Survival of Consciousness Explanation

The Experiences of Mediums II: Evidence for an Afterlife

Assessing Afterlife Beliefs in Psychotherapy

End of Life

End of Life Experiences: What to Expect (2-sided pamphlet)


Testing Mediums’ Accuracy Under Controlled Laboratory Conditions

US Mediums’ Business Practices

Disease Burden in Mediums

Experiences I:
The Experiences of Mediums I: Mental State and Senses

Experiences II:
The Experiences of Mediums II: Evidence for an Afterlife

The Potential Therapeutic Benefit of Mediumship Readings in the Treatment of Grief

Receiving a Mediumship Reading: Recommendations for Sitters

“Well, actually…” Responses to Common Misconceptions about Mediums

Non-Human Animals

Survival After Death of Non-Human Animal Consciousness