The new Windbridge Research Center is an Arizona non-profit organization [IRS 501(c)(3) status pending] dedicated to performing rigorous scientific research and creating educational materials focused on dying, death, and what comes next.
Regardless of individual opinions about life after death and communication with the deceased, these are important issues to the dying, the bereaved, and, in turn, the clinicians who support them. And the grieving population in the United States is only growing: Baby Boomers—the largest generation in US history—have already begun to lose spouses and friends and they are turning to unconventional methods to cope with their losses. People are receiving readings from psychic mediums every day.
This is a phenomenon worthy of rigorous scientific study. Science is not a body of knowledge; it is a set of tools for answering questions. Those tools can be applied to nearly anything, even controversial topics like life after death. People of all ages need a credible source to help distinguish evidence-based information from speculation and sensationalized claims. The Windbridge Research Center strives to be that source.
Much of the work being done at the Center is an extension of the research that was done at the Windbridge Institute, LLC. The Center was created in July 2017 and content is still being added to this site.
The mission of The Windbridge Research Center is to ease suffering around dying, death, and what comes next by performing rigorous scientific research and sharing the results and other customized content with practitioners, clinicians, scientists, and the general public. To fulfill this mission, the Center will perform these activities:
Continuing the mediumship research done at the Windbridge Institute, LLC.
Publishing Threshold: Journal of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies (TJICS), a new, free, online-only, open access journal.
Providing relevant Fact Sheets and short videos.
Sharing updates on our website, on Facebook and Twitter, and through emails to our list.
Publishing original research in peer-reviewed academic journals and books.
Presenting our findings at meetings, workshops, and academic conferences.
Unfortunately, funding sources for activities related to topics like life after death and after-death communication are few and far between. In order for the Center to continue and to thrive, these activities will need public support. Please donate today.
Read more about the creation of the Center in a letter from Windbridge Research Center Executive Director Mark Boccuzzi here.